Discover Islam
Embrace the Journey of Faith:
Discover ISLAM

New to Islam? Begin your journey with us. Our comprehensive courses are tailored to guide you through the essentials of your new faith.

Discover Islam
Embrace the Journey of Faith:
Discover ISLAM

New to Islam? Begin your journey with us. Our comprehensive courses are tailored to guide you through the essentials of your new faith.


Free Courses

Learn Anytime

Guided Paths

Familiar Faces

Build a Solid Foundation in Islam

Start your journey with us to build a solid foundation in Islam through comprehensive courses and robust understanding

  • Explore Our Courses:
Noble Qur’an
Learn How to Read the Quran
  • The Human Voice Anatomy
Noble Qur’an
Tafseer of Selected Surahs
  • Introduction to the Opening Chapter
The Muslim Family
  • Raising Children


Enrollment in the courses is completely free of charge. Additionally, there is no limit to the number of courses you can enroll in, giving you unlimited access to all available educational content.

Yes, courses are designed to be completed in a sequential manner. You are expected to go through lessons in the order they are presented for a comprehensive learning experience. Skipping around or taking lessons in a random order is not recommended.

Yes, each lesson within a course includes questions to assess your understanding of the material. Additionally, at the end of each course, there is a final exam designed to evaluate your grasp of the entire course content.

Currently, we offer the “Established Heart” level, which is designed to provide you with general information about Islam. This level is suitable for both beginners and those looking to refresh their foundational knowledge.

Yes, it is essential to listen to all the lessons in their entirety. Each lesson is followed by a quiz to evaluate your understanding of the content. You must achieve a specific grade on the quiz to unlock the next lesson and continue progressing through the course.